Tuesday 4 November 2008

Virtual Learning

Simulated learning is something very key to Health and Social work since you can't put a fresher into a real life mental health situation or in the delivery ward of a hospital and just hope they find their feet. However what we can do is create a simulated environment for them to learn in. This can be done with the aid of dummies or role play etc. Or more specifically for me at least Virtually.

Two links which I've come across on the BBC's website have gotten me rather excited:

Virtual Paramedic training with the aid of second life:

And a Virtual Pregnancy within a flash based - document style platform:

The both of these are hopefully something I'll be able to do however its the Virtual Pregnancy which has got me rather excited since this is something which can be integrated with both Flash and tulip (SharePoint) two major tools available for me to use.

To finish this post I feel I should share this amazing animation I made last night:

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