Thursday 14 October 2010

Standardisation + Paramedics instigated via SharePoints wiki/page edit facility..

please note most of this is just waffle telling you about the product. skip directly to help (So how do I get to this Standardisation Log?)

Ok I realise I'm constantly harping on about Wiki's on SharePoint/Tulip, its not that I have a particular attachment to Wiki's its just that the page edit facility on SharePoint 2010 is based on Wiki's... which obviously makes it 100% ok... yeah... ok deal!

A long time ago I received a slightly confusing email from support desk asking me to help create something along the lines of a Standardisation tool for Paramedic students... for some reason Support Desk had been approached for an E-Learning question (yet I get inundated with support calls oooh the irony!), anyway the idea behind this project was that when conflicting statements get given from "external lecturers" if there was a way to log these issues, to be clarified by the course lectures. Now my first thought was oh Share Points forum facility will be perfect for this. However the student who originated this problem (incase your curious why I'm taking ideas from students now, his academics encouraged him to pursue this himself so basically I had the green light and backing from his academics) pointed out that this process should be a lot more organised and structured. In fact I believe he held a similar practice within the armed forces (although not digital).

So this lead me to think ah ha some sort of form which students can contribute to, this could indeed have been a simple Word document people can edit... but who wants to use word documents in this day and age... BRING ON THE CLOUD! (bring on the wall?)

So my plan was to create a editable page on SharePoint2010 (Tulip) which had a pre formatted Table for students to add to as and when the issue of standardisation arises. This has been housed on the Paramedics Main Program site so all years can add to this form.

So how do I get to this Standardisation Log?
Currently this Log is only on the Paramedic Practitioner (Community Emergency Health) program site, but I'm sure with time this idea might spread to other courses. You can access the log by clicking the link on the left hand menu titled "Standardisation Log".

Great so I'm at this Log... I need to raise a query
Well I've given all students on the site contribute rights to this page so all you need to do is bring up the edit panel that can be done by clicking on the little note book icon:

Then the whole page becomes editable to create a new line in the table simply go to the last box "complete" and press the TAB button, then type away completing your query. When your done, you need to make sure you click the "Save & Close" button otherwise your changes won't be saved. If your a student that's all you need to know.

So how do academics get to know about these changes?
For the moment no notifications have been set up... mostly because I've not been told who the academics to notify are yet! However using SharePoints Alert Me Tool I hope to keep academics and students in the loop about any modifications to this Standardisation Log.

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